how to protect and secure your home?

Protect House Burglary
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1. Close doors and windows

You have to start with simple things to avoid tempting intruders: close doors and windows. People with bad intentions will look for easy targets and a house with a poorly locked door or a poorly closed window is one of them.

Even while at home, it is better to lock your door. Before leaving your house, you should check that all windows are closed, including those upstairs. There are devices that allow you to know if a window or door is left open and close it remotely.

2. Install efficient locks

Install an efficient lock against burglaryInstall an efficient lock against burglary
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Closing your doors and windows correctly is a first step which must be completed by the installation of efficient locks. Indeed, a burglar will have more difficulty entering a house that has high quality locks and may even end up becoming discouraged or being spotted.

Some locks can be self-closing, manual and even double-closing. Others are considered burglar proof and have increased resistance to twisting and picking.

3. Strengthen the security of openings and closings

Openings and closings are the most sensitive elements of a house. To reduce the risk of burglary, it is imperative to protect them as much as possible.

The first step is to install an armored door. It slows down burglars who prefer to go to a house with a simple door.

The second step lies in theinstallation of bars on windows. It is not necessarily necessary to do this on all windows but on those which represent the greatest risk. For example, those located on the street or on the ground floor. The idea is not to give the impression of being in prison but to prevent access to the window handle despite a broken window.

4. Hide keys and valuables

Many people make the mistake of hiding the keys near their front door in a flower pot, under the doormat or in a more or less hidden box. This is a big risk because burglars know these hiding places well. Leaving the keys in accessible places makes their job easier. They just have to enter as if nothing had happened and this could be even more problematic because insurance companies require that the theft was committed by break-in to make a reimbursement…

In addition, it is preferable not to expose your valuables to everyone’s view but to place them out of sight or even protect them. in a safe.

5. Install a security system

Install Outdoor CameraInstall Outdoor Camera
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To best protect your home from burglaries, the security device is a excellent solution. There outdoor camera is popular because it allows you to watch who is approaching your home even at night or in direct sunlight.

Simply placing a camera will deter potential burglars because they will know they are being observed. It is generally associated with an alarm system which is triggered in the event of an intrusion.

For a monthly subscription, the remote surveillance service ensures maximum security. In the event of a proven intrusion, the police are sent to the scene.

6. Simulate a presence

Burglars have a keen eye and know how to spot unoccupied houses, especially during holiday periods. It is for this reason that it is necessary to simulate a presence by different means. For example, a light that turns on and off to give the impression that the house is occupied or a television that stays on for a few hours during the day or evening.

Today, it is possible to control lights remotely from your smartphone or tablet. An occupied house is more of a deterrent than a house where no one has been there for several days or weeks.

7. Organize your departure on vacation

Simulate Presence Holidays Mail PickupSimulate Attendance Vacation Mail Pickup
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Following this logic, it is recommended to organize your departure so as not to have a bad surprise when returning from vacation. Firstly, you should give your keys to someone (a close relative or a trusted neighbor) to collect the mail because an overflowing mailbox is a sign of non-presence.

Then, you have to take care of your garden and mow your lawn before leaving. Poorly maintained exteriors are also a sign of absent residents.

9. Do not announce your absences

Proud to have booked their vacation, many people decide to announce the destination of their stay as well as the dates on social networks. It’s a serious mistake since this clearly indicates to ill-intentioned people the dates on which the house will be empty. Likewise, you should not post photos during your stay but rather wait for your return.

Inform the police station of your absence and register for theOperation Tranquility Holidays may be wise.

10. Report any suspicious presence

Burglars often do a reconnaissance before attacking their target. They thus know the habits of the occupants to know what time the house is empty or not. Sometimes, they leave traces (symbol or letter in a bomb or marker) near the home that will soon be visited. If you have the slightest doubt, you must contact the police station and erase any suspicious traces.

Following these 10 tips helps protect your home from burglaries. You must remain vigilant, prepare for a prolonged absence and invest in effective security devices.

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