How to make sure that your CV is never read? Advice from Career Kueen (4/5)

To write a bad CV, you can opt for spelling mistakes on each line, a photo of you in a bikini on the beach or even a completely crazy email address like [email protected]. It’s a good start but Career Kueen reveals other methods to be sure that your Curriculum Vitæ is never read by any recruiter.

Karine Trioullier, entrepreneur in human resources and “career coach” on social networks, offers you to make an ultra-elaborate CV and if possible with lots of columns. It will surely not even be selected because this type of document is considered unreadable by the “ATS” software, applicant tracking system, used by large companies in their recruitment process. And if you’re talkative, try the ten-page resume for only five years of experience, you’ll be sure to discourage all HR from calling you back.

All the advice in the video at the top of this article.

Cover of the book by Karine Trioullier, alias @CareerKueen, “The jobs of my dreams”, published by Marabout. – Cover of the book by Karine Trioullier, alias @CareerKueen, “The jobs of my dreams”, published by Marabout.

Karine Trioullier is the author of “The jobs of my dreams” published by Marabout, published on August 28, 2023.

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