How to lose weight by kissing

  1. 24vita
  2. Live healthy


Kissing isn’t just for lovers. It is a cardio workout that strengthens the cardiovascular system and keeps the immune system fit. It also helps in losing weight.

At first glance, it may not sound very tempting to get 80 million germs from one kiss. However, it is advisable to kiss your loved one as often as possible, as this is usually extremely beneficial to your health and helps you lose weight. If you don’t currently have a kissing partner, you’ll find information about the potential negative effects of kissing at the end of this post.

Why kissing is healthy and can even have a rejuvenating effect

When you kiss, the stress hormone cortisol is suppressed. This means that kissers relax and generally feel completely comfortable. © Ales Utouka/IMAGO

When the lips and tongues of two close people touch, a veritable flood of hormones is released: serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, endorphins and the bonding hormone oxytocin are released, while the stress hormone cortisol is suppressed at the same time. This makes kissers feel relaxed and completely comfortable. Some scientists even suspect that kisses can have a preventive effect against depression. In addition, the released neurotransmitters adrenaline and dopamine dampen the feeling of pain.

Lose weight: According to scientists, kissing has many positive effects

However, kisses have many other benefits: The skin in particular benefits from intimate kisses. When kissing, facial muscles are activated that can specifically prevent the formation of wrinkles. In addition, the skin on the face is intensively supplied with blood when kissing, which has a refreshing effect and ensures a visibly firmer appearance. No make-up can achieve this glow effect so quickly.

An intensive lip workout with full tongue involvement can even help you lose weight – and not just because you can’t kiss and eat at the same time. Active people burn up to 20 calories per minute with just one kiss. A small side effect: Extensive kissing can also strengthen the neck and back muscles. Since you have to make sure that your noses don’t collide when kissing, those kissing almost automatically assume a basic ergonomic position.

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Kissing: Intense tongue play as cardio training

Intensive tongue play also stimulates various organ functions. It not only makes the heart beat faster, but also faster. Kissing puts the cardiovascular system in a positive state of stress. During kissing, the heart beats up to 150 times per minute. The positive medical effect: The heart muscle is strengthened through this cardio training. Lung function can also improve. Scientists have found that kissers take 60 breaths per minute instead of 20. This means that the body is supplied with even better oxygen.

Hormone experts at the University Hospital of Vienna have also discovered that kissing can also help with cardiovascular problems. Those affected should kiss and cuddle intensively for at least three minutes every day. The positive effects according to the study: High blood pressure drops and cholesterol levels (the unpopular LDL level) improve.

Kissing: Oral vaccination through kisses strengthens the immune system and prevents hay fever

According to scientists, kissing strengthens the immune system and acts like a oral vaccination. The Dutch microbiologist Remco Kort and his team found that around 80 million bacteria are transferred during intense French kissing. This has positive effects on the immune system. The immune system activates defense cells that are supposed to neutralize the bacteria.

Kissing also has positive effects on hay fever. The Japanese allergist Hajime Kimata examined the immune values ​​of 50 hay fever patients in a study. Result: After they kissed their partners for 30 minutes, significantly fewer allergen antibodies and histamines were detectable in the blood after this remarkable achievement.

Kissing: According to studies, passionate kissers live longer

According to researchers, anyone who reaches the age of 70 has spent an average of 76 days kissing. Finally, the strongest argument for extensive kissing comes from doctors at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. They found that passionate kissers are not only more resistant to many diseases, but also age more slowly. A study by the American Society for Sexual Behavior in Los Angeles even shows that people who kiss a lot live up to five years longer.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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