How to get rid of the urge to snack for good (without frustration)

“It’s the last candy after I quit, really! “Who has never released this cliché phrase? It must be admitted, snacking sometimes ruins our lives a little. But to get rid of your addictions or bad eating habits, you have to know what encourages cracking. We suspect that stress and any other emotional state are not foreign to it. However, starting the day with too much sugar isn’t supposed to help. Isabelle Veverka, nutrition and positive psychology coach, explains that salt and protein taken when you get out of bed will increase the feeling of satiety until the next meal and therefore prevent you from cracking up.

Swap bowls of cereal for scrambled eggs

In his book, I stop eating my emotions, the author therefore recommends swapping cereal bowls for scrambled eggs. For what ? Eggs are very satiating, they are rich in protein (athletes consume a lot of them) and they are not very expensive. Sugar, on the other hand, only brings the desire to eat always sweeter…

For the other meals, the same strategy applies: eat better foods and avoid eating too much sugar, favor good fats (olive oil, oilseeds), switch from white rice to black or brown rice, manage your portions, etc And, finally, be careful not to eat too light but add legumes and starchy foods without overloading your dish with carbohydrate intake, for fear of causing your glycemic index to explode and craving sugar… And, yes, that’s a lot of Once again, rules to follow.

Make yourself a snack to wait until dinner

Back to stress, the friend of snacking, the enemy of a balanced meal. According to Isabelle Veverka, all it takes is bad news or a day that is too emotionally trying for our body to crave sugar. In short, so that we eat our emotions… without any real feeling of hunger. To manage to manage your impulses, the nutrition coach suggests “putting words” on what you feel in order to avoid taking refuge in food. Other tips: sleep well to digest properly and (decidedly we will never escape it) play sports to reduce the feeling of hunger.

Finally, stopping snacking does not mean giving up snacks. Isabelle Veverka ensures that it is absolutely recommended to have a snack to wait until dinner. And chocolate is allowed, the whole thing will be to favor 50 grams of dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa rather than Dragibus.

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