How to get hated by your manager? Advice from Career Kueen (1/5)

If there is one person you can’t avoid in your company, it’s your boss, and bad luck for you, the deal with him is more than icy. So you have decided not to let it go and even to become the most annoying employee possible. To be sure to alienate your boss, 20 minutes asked for advice from Career Kueen.

Karine Trioullier, entrepreneur in human resources and “career coach” on social networks, invites you to test the negative attitude method. Express your dissatisfaction freely about the salary, the atmosphere and the workload and above all never offer a solution. Another approach to annoy your boss: be constantly in demand. Tell him all your problems, even the most basic ones, and seek his approval at all costs. He should quickly lose his patience.

Watch the full video at the top of this article.

Cover of the book by Karine Trioullier, alias @CareerKueen, “The jobs of my dreams”, published by Marabout. – Cover of the book by Karine Trioullier, alias @CareerKueen, “The jobs of my dreams”, published by Marabout.

Karine Trioullier is the author of “The jobs of my dreams” published by Marabout, published on August 28, 2023.

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