How to fail your job interview? Advice from Career Kueen (5/5)

You love your job and don’t want to leave it at all. Unfortunately, you are so competent that you keep getting chased by recruiters who offer you another position on a silver platter. Maybe you also excel at job interviews and you really need to watch the video at the top of this article to remedy that! Indeed, to be rejected after a first meeting with an employer, there are classic techniques such as arriving late, not having taken a shower or getting the company name completely wrong. But to be sure to go straight into the wall, 20 minutes asked Career Kueen for three tips for failing any job interview.

Karine Trioullier, human resources entrepreneur and career coach on social networks, explains how to express yourself Miss France style by chaining together generalities to be sure to bore your interlocutor. Another method to try: talk constantly about your ex-employer, whether negatively or positively. The recruiter in front of you will see to what extent you have not cut the cord…

All the anti-advice can be found in the video placed at the top of this article.

Cover of the book by Karine Trioullier, alias @CareerKueen, “The jobs of my dreams”, published by Marabout. – Marabout

Karine Trioullier is also the author of Jobs of my dreams published by Marabout, published on August 28, 2023.

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