how to choose the ideal size according to the room?

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Choose the right size of your carpet

Beyond the aesthetic aspect of the rug and your personal tastes which make you more likely to be attracted to one rug than another, it is important not to neglect the choice of its size. This choice must take several criteria into account. Below are the most important ones to consider in order not to make mistakes:

  1. The dimensions of the room: a rug that is too small in relation to the surface of the room will not really be visible and will appear even smaller. Conversely, if a rug is too big, the room will seem even smaller, without forgetting that an impression of overload will emerge. If we go back a few years, the rule was that a carpet should not cover more than a quarter of the room concerned. This rule is now left aside, but it has, at least, the advantage of providing a basis for avoiding these errors.
  2. The furniture : its location and volume will also have an impact on the positioning of the mat and its size.
  3. Your heating method: If your home is equipped with underfloor heating, carpet and heating are not incompatible, but it is preferable to avoid covering too large a surface with a carpet and not to choose it too thick.
  4. The function of the part: depending on the room in which the carpet is going to be installed, its ideal size will not be the same. Thus, you can opt for a certain size of carpet for a living room and another for the bedroom, for example. This is what we will look at in the rest of this article.

Tip: To get an idea of ​​what the size of the rug you are considering for your room will look like, you can use adhesive tape to draw the space it will cover on the floor. You will thus be able to have a more concrete vision of the final rendering.

What size for a living room rug?

Living Room Carpet
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For your living room, the ideal rug size will depend on the space you have:

  • If your living room is rather small, choose a rug that will allow you to place the 4 legs of armchairs and sofas on it. You will thus have the feeling of enjoying a cozy space without it seeming smaller. Generally, it is preferable to favor a rectangular or even square carpet. You can also turn to a small carpet to install in front of the sofa and on which you will only put the coffee table.
  • If your living room is rather large, opt for a large rug that will use the maximum amount of space. You can then install the furniture, such as sofa, armchair and coffee table, above. Otherwise, you can also install it in the center to dress up the space or use it to delimit the lounge area.

In all cases, the carpet chosen must be at least as wide as the sofa. It is then up to you to decide whether to place your sofa behind the rug or half above it, depending on your preferences.

If you are installing a piece of furniture entirely on the rug, it is aesthetically preferable for the rug to protrude on each side by at least six inches, but you can also choose a size that allows you to put the coffee table above.

What size for a dining room rug?

dining room rugs
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In a dining room, the mat is usually installed under the table. It must therefore be large enough to be visible and allow the chairs to be fully positioned on it. In this way, it alone allows you to create a dining area. However, certain proportions must be respected:

  1. The width and length of the mat should be at least 120cm longer than the dimensions of your table to protrude on each side. This means that your carpet will thus exceed 60 cm on each side of the table.
  2. To gain in comfort, it is preferable to be able to place the entire chair on the carpet. This avoids finding yourself sitting on an unbalanced chair.
  3. If the room is large enough, you can opt for a very large rug that will allow you to move around the table without getting off. Be careful, however, not to overload the room with decoration afterwards.
  4. For a round table, opt for a round rug instead.

What size for a bedroom rug?

Bedroom Carpet
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In a bedroom, the rug brings a cocooning touch, but it also provides a pleasant surface on which to lay your feet when you wake up. Its dimensions will therefore depend on the size of the room, whether you want to put the bed on it or not, as well as the size of the bed.

  • If you have a big room you want to give a modern look and you have a double bed, two scenarios are possible to choose your carpet:
    • For a 180 by 200 cm bed: choose a carpet of at least 240 by 340 cm.
    • For a 160 by 200 cm bed: choose a carpet of at least 200 by 290 cm.

To note : In these two cases, the carpet will protrude on each side and at the foot of the bed.

If your room is smaller, you can opt for smaller rugs to install on either side of the bed to frame it. The size is then measured from the bedside to the foot of the bed.

If it’s a child’s roomyou can arrange a single round rug in the center of the room or several small round rugs to create spaces for play or relaxation.

What size for an entrance or hallway rug?

Entrance Mat
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The hallway or entrance may have very different shapes and sizes. Again, the size of the rug should be appropriate for the space. In addition, to prevent the carpet from being a source of daily inconvenience, it will be necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with the opening of the door. Also be sure to choose a material suitable for frequent passage, such as sisal or jute.

To find the right size mat for your hallway, here’s how:

  • Measure the dimensions of your hallway.
  • Then deduct 1.20 meters from the measured length and about forty centimeters from both sides.

Maintenance and cleaning

Carpet cleaning is a step essential to maintain their radiance and freshness over the years.

In particular, wool carpets require special attention given the delicacy of this natural material. Improper handling or the use of unsuitable products during cleaning can damage the fibers and alter the original beauty of the rug.

In addition, high-pile carpets, due to their thick texture, can accumulate dirt and debris more easily, making cleaning a little more demanding. Regular vacuuming with a soft brush is recommended to remove surface dust and prevent deep encrustation.

One of the most common challenges encountered when cleaning carpets is removing bad odors. Whether due to accidental spillage, humidity or the presence of pets, a rug can sometimes give off unpleasant odors.

To remedy this, after cleaning the carpet, you can sprinkle a little baking soda, let it act for a few hours, then vacuum carefully. This natural compound is recognized for its absorbent properties, allowing to neutralize unwanted odors.

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