How the Greens deal with election winner Boris Palmer – Opinion

Boris Palmer is generally considered a controversial figure, but the situation in Tübingen is clear: Palmer won the mayoral election for the third time in a row and for the third time in the first ballot – a result couldn’t be much clearer. Palmer won because, in the eyes of the majority, he is a very good mayor. He brought the city forward economically and ecologically. Not only did he have original ideas in Corona policy, which the country later copied. The people of Tübingen thanked him. Here his position is unchallenged.

But the character of Palmer always has an impact beyond the city limits – and that makes his victory for the Greens complicated. Six months ago, the state executive would have thrown Palmer out of the party because he considered many of his statements, especially about refugees, to be damaging to the party. Now no Greens can hope that the uncomfortable member will simply disappear, sent into retirement by the Tübingen voters. Palmer stays for at least eight more years. And the party has to find a way of dealing with the provocative member, even if their membership has been suspended for a good year.

Palmer’s victory represents both opportunity and risk for the party. The chance is to have a green OB in Palmer in your own ranks. The Greens in Baden-Württemberg have issued the strategy of conquering the town halls in the state – but so far there have not been too many successes.

The party can only control the risk to a limited extent: Palmer and the Greens must manage to live together without tearing each other apart. The Greens will have to put up with Palmer – and Palmer will have to at least try to maintain his unusually reserved campaign style. Not many of the Greens believe he can do it.

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