How Sabrina Ouazani Gives Her Brutal Husband A Martial Arts Lesson

She is sublime Sabrina Ouazani in Kung Fu Zorah of Mabrouk El Mechri! She plays a battered woman who learns martial arts to be able to give a good lesson to her husband played by Ramzy Bedia.

“She stays for her daughter who loves her father, explains the actress to 20 minutes, but she is not a weak woman. She is a loving mother who wants the best for her child and tries to avoid showing him the violence that her husband inflicts on him. The meeting of this tender mother with a kung-fu master will change her life and the relationship with her husband. “We didn’t want to make him a victim. She is a woman of 2022 who accepts herself as she is in all her complexity, ”insists Sabrina Ouazani.

Charisma and determination

Between the bride of Kill Bill and the kid from Karate Kid, Sabrina Ouazani gives birth to a dynamic and sensitive character whose metamorphosis the spectator follows with delight. Her teacher teaches her in particular how to use kitchen utensils and the furniture in her apartment to defeat the man who raises his hand on her as soon as their little girl’s back is turned. “We thought about The Wars of the Roses to give this tone of black comedy when the couple clash, ”recognizes Sabrina Ouazani.

The actress had taken up judo as a child but had to train six and eight hours a day to reach the level of kung fu required for Zohra. “During confinement, the character did not leave me. Some French people cooked, I perfected my movements, ”she recalls. And the result is truly stunning. When this young woman does the punch in front of men stronger than her, we believe it. “You had to be very precise not to get hurt. Ramzy and I worked a lot,” she says.

The “fairies” Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan looked at the cradle of Sabrina Ouazani. “My father introduced me to their films,” she says. He practices karate and helped me with my training. I was happy that he was proud of me after seeing Kung Fu Zorah. The spectator is also enthusiastic about the performance of the actress whose charisma and determination illuminate Kung Fu Zorah.

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