How other countries are trying to end dependence on Russia – Economy

Italy, Spain and Great Britain also need oil and gas – and no longer want to do business with Putin. How they are trying to regain their self-sufficiency and what Germany can learn from it.


Karin Janker, Josef Kelnberger, Oliver Meiler, Alexander Mühlauer and Vivien Timmler

Germany is dependent. The Federal Republic obtains a large part of its two most important energy sources, gas and oil, from Russia. Without the raw materials, factories threaten to stand still, apartments to cool down and cars to break down. No one can want that – just as little as flushing money into Putin’s war chest by buying raw materials. So Economics Minister Habeck travels around the world to find new energy partners, while at the same time there is a more or less serious debate about extending coal-fired power plants and nuclear power plants. But, according to Berlin, more independence will not happen overnight. But it seems as if other countries would find it easier. An overview.

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