How much did Charles’ coronation cost the British taxpayer?

Even if Charles III wanted a less ostentatious coronation than the previous ones, all these festivities obviously cost a lot of money, especially since they depend on the British taxpayer. But then, how much did the organization of this weekend cost?

Well according to the estimates of Timebetween the entertainment and decorations in the streets, the ceremony in Westminster, the procession, and the Windsor concert, these three days of celebration will have cost around 100 million pounds sterling, or approximately 113 million euros.

At the worst time

A more than plump sum when you think of the slump in inflation that is strangling the British. Moreover, if the amount of these expenses is confirmed, it would mean that the coronation of Charles III will have cost almost double that of his mother, evaluated, according to the New York Timesaround 56 million pounds taking into account the evolution of the price.

So even if a large part of these expenses concerns security measures which were obviously less drastic in 1953, this coronation ulcerates Graham Smith, president of the Republic group, which campaigns for the abolition of the monarchy.

“We know that many public sector workers fail to get a raise. We know that workers are forced to use food banks,” he fumed. “This sum would have done a lot of good for a lot of people if it had been spent on public services, the homeless and the poor, rather than the one man parade. »

It remains to be seen how much this weekend brought in, whether in the catering, hotel, tourism and other manufacturers of mugs and plates with a royal effigy.

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