How lab dogs are saved from euthanasia and offered for adoption

Difficult, when adopting a doggie in a shelter, to really know his past. But for those adorable beagles, who are regularly welcomed to the Montpellier SPA (Hérault), it is, unfortunately, very clear. These dogs, renowned for their docility, spent their early years in laboratories. They have undergone lots of cardiac or neurological checks, appetence tests on kibble, or experiments, as part of research on drugs or vaccines.

Yes, because animal testing is still in force in France. According to the latest published figures on his site by the Ministry of Research, in 2020, more than 1.6 million were “used” in laboratories. They are, for the most part, rodents, but there are also monkeys, cats, horses… And dogs. More than 4,000, in 2020.

“Their condition depends on what they have suffered”

“How do they live? They live in conditions that respect the directive for the protection of laboratory animals, confides Marie-François Lheureux, president of the Group of reflection and action for the animal (Grail). Everything is regulated. The size of the cages, the temperature, the diet… I’m not telling you that it’s paradise…” Some dogs are “lucky to live in packs, outside, some sleep in cages, continues- she. Some are walked, others less. Some see the light of day. Others, when they go out, do not even know what the noise of a car is. Many dogs are euthanized. Especially those who have undergone the most invasive tests, and for whom any attempt at rehabilitation would be wasted.

But since 2004, every year, several thousand animals are saved, thanks to the Grail. Thus about two to three times a year, the SPA of Montpellier welcomes beagles. End of november, five newcomers have arrived at the shelter. “They were a little scared, but it went really well,” says Annie Bénézech, the director of the refuge. Sometimes it’s more complicated. “Their condition depends on what they have suffered,” she continues. There were some for whom the human represented pain. »

“Some do not know the hand of man”

Some dogs, who arrived “traumatized”, needed to be reaccustomed to a normal life, a little longer, by the educators of the shelter. And this, even if “the laboratories have however, for a few years, the obligation to socialize the animals which will be able to go out, confides Marie-Françoise Lheureux. Today, if a beagle were to be truly ignorant of everything, it would mean that something did not go well. »

At the Montpellier SPA, there is no shortage of candidate families for adoption. As soon as the beagles’ faces were posted on social networks, the shelter was overwhelmed with requests. “We had many, many candidates,” he says. Of the five who arrived in November, four have already left, only one is still there, but he is booked. If they are so successful, it is undoubtedly because future adopters are affected by their past, but also because they are particularly cute, notes Marie-Françoise Lheureux. “He’s a dog that has everything going for him,” smiles the president of the Grail.

However, the Montpellier SPA is increasing its vigilance regarding the motivation of potential adopters of these laboratory beagels. “These are dogs that have lived in sanitized environments, they are not used to noise. Some do not know, or very little, the hand of man, notes Annie Bénézech. We explain to the adopters that their living space must be well fenced, that they must not be released immediately into the street, etc. There are a few precautions to take to make sure it goes well. “Socialization in the laboratories is not enough”, points out Marie-Françoise Lheureux.

A cover letter, explaining the life they have the ambition to offer to these animals, is even requested from future adopters, by the SPA of Montpellier. It is among the best that the future masters and future mistresses are chosen. Because they must be aware that they are committed to doggies like no other.

Saturday and Sunday (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.), it’s Christmas for animals at the SPA de Montpellier, in Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone. Two days to meet abandoned dogs and cats, and volunteers. On the program, demonstrations on the agility or search dog course, a refreshment bar, pancakes, etc.

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