How gene therapies are changing medicine – economy

Treatments with drugs like Luxturna are considered the most expensive therapies in the world – and the future of medicine. Visiting a doctor to help people in danger of going blind.


Elisabeth Dostert

Sometimes Siegfried Priglinger receives small videos. The conversation in his treatment room on the campus of the LMU clinic in downtown Munich is almost over. Priglinger, 51, is standing in the middle of the room in a white coat, he opens his laptop. He doesn’t have to look far for the video snippet. It is very quiet. There’s a boy on the screen. He is sitting on a chair, upright, he looks tense, his hands are clutching the seat of the chair. Letters hang on a magnetic board at a distance of one and a half, maybe two meters. The elementary school age boy reads: H, E, L, I, C, O, P, T, E, R. After the last letter, he jumps up and cheers. He can read.

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