How Emu Emmanuel Bombs Tik-Tik Videos – Panorama

“In the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes,” Andy Warhol said in 1968 – and almost as well known the statement and its world fame bored him at some point. While in the past you had to do such strange things for world fame as writing a hit or a manifesto crossing the Atlantic or inventing a cure is all a matter of audacity and luck in the internet age (assuming likes are fame and the internet is the world).

Emmanuel probably thought the same thing and used a tried and tested means of attracting attention: photo bombing. Funny internet pics of people sliding themselves onto other people’s portraits are a bit 2009. But of course Emmanuel knows when they can still lead to 15 minutes of fame. Firstly, when the photo bomber is famous itself, like the Queen who posed in the background of a 2014 Selfies of two Australian women hockey players showed up, or Tom Hanks referring to that in 2016 Wedding photo of a couple in New York’s Central Park. Or second, if the photo bomber is an animal. Luckily Emmanuel is an emu.

The ratite regularly comes to the fore when its owner Taylor Blake, who runs a small animal farm in Florida, Tik Tok Videos picks up. And his plan seems to have worked: millions of users watch Emmanuel stare at the Internet. Sometimes he overzealously picks the camera off the tripod, then all you can see is the sky while Blake scolds him. But when it comes to regret and posing, Emmanuel agrees with Lothar Matthäus: “I don’t look back, I look in front.”

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