How does Macha raise awareness among 13-17 year olds about mental disorders?

A few months before the presidential election, what do the young people of our country think? What are their dreams, aspirations, fears? What does their daily life look like? What is their view of the campaign and the upcoming election? Who are the 15-25 year olds really? You have to meet them, question them, listen to them. Far from clichés, give voice to this generation too often described as sacrificed, irresponsible or disillusioned.

Eating disorders in young people

the podcast Place for young people aims to highlight French youth in its diversity, through interviews with young people under 25. For this eighth episode, interview with Macha, 25 years old.

Take a new turn, elsewhere and quickly: this is the choice made by Macha, the guest of this episode. You don’t see Masha as I see her behind her microphone, and to allow you to get to know her a little better, I would describe a mischievous face, whose charm is imbued with great vitality and deep seriousness, a mixture that appears sometimes on the features of those who have already – even young – lived a lot and which makes you really want to exchange with Macha. With her, we will talk about France and Canada, mental disorders – and especially food – in young people, HelloPsycho, the website she created a few months ago around the mental health of 13-17 year olds , and then politics too.

A direct, personal, uninhibited interview with the boys and girls who make up today’s France, led by Salomé Berlioux, founder and general manager of the association Chemins d’avenirs. It accompanies several thousand young people in the construction of their academic, professional and civic career. This podcast is broadcast in partnership with 20 minutes, West France and the Jean-Jaurès Foundation.

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