How do the police try to prevent settling of scores between rival gangs?

“We told you it was going to happen and it happened. “When they go, Monday morning, a little after 8 am, near the Guillaume Apollinaire high school, in Thiais (Val-de-Marne), the police are greeted by some very angry young people. On the macadam lie the bodies of two seriously injured 16-year-old teenagers. One of them, who was stabbed in the thigh, is conscious. But the blade hit the victim’s femoral artery, which is bleeding out. The officials immediately went to look for something to make a tourniquet in their vehicle and put it on his leg to try to stop the bleeding. A few meters away, his friend is lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The young man was stabbed in the heart.

One of his friends presses on the wound to somehow contain the bleeding. But the victim is not breathing. Helped by a local resident, a 20-year-old, the police tried to restart his heart by giving him cardiac massage. The firefighters, who arrived on the scene a few minutes later, took over. The high school student is transported to the Henri Mondor hospital in Créteil in absolute emergency where he will die. His friend was also hospitalized, but his vital prognosis is not engaged.

A brawl between gangs of young people from rival neighborhoods?

The police officers who remained on the spot heard the witnesses of the scene. They tell them that young people from the neighboring town of Choisy-le Roi have come to attack a group from the city of Grands Champs in Thiais, with whom they are in conflict. The attackers, between five and ten, “were on the watch and waiting” near the school, said the prosecutor of the Republic of Créteil, Stéphane Hardouin, during a press conference. Tidiane, the deceased victim, reportedly tried to calm both groups when she was stabbed. “According to the witnesses, the attackers pursued the two victims for a few tens of meters,” added the prosecutor, adding that a knife had been discovered near the school. According to our information, the police also found two soft drinks and a golf club head.

Already on Friday evening, the police had probably prevented a fight between gangs from the two cities. Still according to our information, around 9:10 p.m., they arrested fifteen young people from Thiais, aged 15 to 19, who were waiting for the bus on Avenue de Versailles, in front of the Thiais-village shopping center. When they arrived, they tried to flee and get rid of various and varied weapons: knives, hammers, brass knuckles… Placed in police custody at the L’Hay-les-Roses police station, some of them gave lip service to the investigators that they intended to go to the Barbusse estate in Choisy-le-Roi. It was, according to them, revenge for a dark story of sequestration. Most have been released without prosecution, and four teenagers have been transferred.

An interministerial plan

After this new brawl, the Créteil prosecutor’s office opened an investigation for intentional homicide committed in an organized gang and attempted intentional homicide committed in an organized gang. The investigations were entrusted to the judicial police of Val-de-Marne. Three minors were arrested and taken into custody. A first suspect, from Choisy-le-Roi, was arrested around 10 a.m. at his home. He is particularly known to justice “for a series of acts of aggravated violence” which earned him an indictment in a separate case dating from 2021, said Stéphane Hardouin. This 16-year-old teenager was placed under judicial supervision “with a ban on going to Orly and Thiais, except for the needs of his schooling”, specified the prosecutor. Two other suspects, aged 15 and 16, were arrested, said the Créteil prosecutor’s office in the evening.

To combat the phenomenon of gangs, the government launched an interministerial plan in June 2021 which includes several measures: monitoring social networks and instant messaging, awareness and training for families, development of social mediation and specialized prevention. , establishment of units for exchanging information on minors in difficulty… According to the Ministry of the Interior, contacted by 20 minutes, the number of fights between gangs has also fallen by 13.4% in the first part of 2022. Place Beauvau recorded 256 between January and August, mainly in Ile-de-France (82%), against 306 over the same period the previous year. On the other hand, their number increased slightly between September and October 2022: 79 facts observed against 74 over the same period the previous year, i.e. an increase of 6.8%.

“It degenerates in three seconds”

In 2020, the services of the Ministry of the Interior had counted 74 gangs in France, including 45 under the jurisdiction of the Prefecture of Police, and 10 in Essonne. The reasons for triggering clashes are multiple and often futile. “It can be stories of defending a territory, of narcotics. But everything can also go away because of a bad look, a bad word, or a sentimental rivalry. Sometimes it’s hard to pin down the starting point,” explains 20 minutes a police source. And the latter to conclude: “We can completely map the bands, but we can never predict that such and such a person will speak badly or look badly at another. And it escalates in three seconds. It can go very quickly. »

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