How can learning to listen change your life?

In our podcast Wait a minute !, it’s our Thursday meeting “La Bulle”, which talks about us, about ourselves. Have you ever rehashed a discussion? Have you ever wondered why you didn’t say such and such a thing at that time? Or reacted differently? It’s possible that during this conversation, you weren’t really listening to each other. Yes, really listen to it. Try to understand it. This “active” listening could help you respond better, and more generally, improve your communication with all your relationships, at work or with your loved ones.

Why do we have parasitic thoughts when we listen to the other?

The practice of active listening is not easy. To practice it, Emmanuel Chila published What if I listen before I speak?
published by Eyrolles (16.90 euros). Emmanuel Chila is a speaking coach, creator of a communication training show, and author. And he is the guest of this “La Bulle” meeting.

During this exchange, Emmanuel Chila first of all returns to the difficulty of active listening, when we are invaded by parasitic thoughts. Among the great difficulties noted, the fact of remaining silent, in order to let the other speak and concentrate on what he is saying. Another obstacle to listening: trying to silence the little voice, which, in us, judges the words of the other in real time. Finally, the communicator gives his advice to improve your verbal and non-verbal communication.

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