how and why choose it for an outdoor shelter?

Terrace With Pergola And Swimming Pool
© istock

Do you want to enhance your outdoor space with a pergola that resists bad weather, protects you from the sun’s rays, while letting light in? If you’re a handyman, you can install it yourself, especially if it’s a freestanding pergola. For lean-to pergolas, the operation is a little more delicate and may require the help of a professional.

Pergola: what is it?

The pergola is a garden structure, initially used to support climbing plants. Its roof is made of horizontal beams supported by pillars and columns. The frame is more generally made of wood or metal (steel, iron, aluminum), but can also be made of PVC.

The garden or terrace pergola can be attached to the house, self-supporting or removable in some cases. Today, it is used to create an outdoor space, a bit like the veranda, except that it remains open. However, walls can be added to the sides.

What is bioclimatic and what are the advantages?

Today, the pergola type terrace shelter has been sophisticated to meet new consumer demands. We are now talking about a bioclimatic pergola. It is a type of construction that adapts to climatic conditions. Intelligent and stylish, this new type of shelter includes adjustable blades on the roof which will allow better resource management and an better protection facing the climate (wind, rain, UV rays, etc.). Controllable, its slats can change position on an axis of 150° and offer more or less shade, protection from the sun’s rays, and even shelter from wind and rain.

This system also allows for better heat control. In summer, the pergola will allow you to reduce the temperature of the house by filtering the entry of the sun’s rays, while in winter, the reflection of the latter on the slats will warm your interior. When it rains, the sloped blades let the water flow towards the inside of the posts which contain pipes to evacuate the water.

Modular as desired, you can orient the slats so as to benefit from more shade, while still allowing air to pass through. So, no feeling of suffocation. Protecting against UV rays, they maintain freshness under the roof. Now, there are even pergolas containing solar panels on the roof to generate electricity or use the energy to power a lighting system.

What is the difference between pergola and arbor?

Pergola and arbor are from the same family of terrace shelters. Both constructions serve as support for climbing plants. But there are some small differences between the two. The pergola is generally made up of several spaced posts forming a rectangle, on which beams are placed horizontally to form the roof.

The arbor is made up of a trellis, has a vaulted roof and has a circular shape. This type of installation is most often made of wood, but there are also some made of metal. The appearance of an arbor is often more rustic and traditional than the pergola which can be very modern and designer.

What do you need to know before choosing your pergola?

Before you start purchasing a pergola for your terrace or garden, you need to ask yourself a few questions.

Which material should I choose based on the climate in my region?

If you are in a windy region and where it rains a lot, for example, we avoid at all costs canvas pergolas which are much less resistant. We favor pergolas with closable slats and in a waterproof material.

What is the function of this pergola?

Is your terrace shelter intended to become a real living space, or simply to shelter you from the sun’s rays, when dining outside, for example?

How do I orient my pergola?

Do you want a pergola attached to the house? How to orient it according to light and heat? Would I need a closed wall? In which direction should the blades be oriented?

What price am I willing to pay?

If you don’t want to invest a lot, you can choose a cheaper but less durable material, such as PVC. Some people, on the contrary, are looking for a long-term investment, others rather the decorative but more temporary aspect. If you plan to move, then a removable and transportable pergola will be preferable.

What are the three main types of pergola?

The attached pergola

As its name suggests, it is a pergola attached to one of the walls of the house. This space can then become a real extension of your home, a living space which will house a small living room or an outdoor dining room. They are more complex to install but often much more modular. You can integrate a closable wall and choose from several types of roof, straight, sloping, slatted, etc.

The self-supporting pergola

This pergola is directly attached to the ground. If you choose it, take into account that it will be more difficult to uninstall it and put it elsewhere. It can be placed anywhere on a terrace or even in the middle of the garden.

The removable pergola

Practical and economical, this type of pergola can be used occasionally when you organize events in the garden. You can also mount it to enjoy a shaded space in summer and store it as soon as winter approaches, which we recommend because they are much less resistant to bad weather. However, if aesthetics are more important to you, this will not be the right solution.

What material should you choose for the structure of your pergola?

We distinguish four types of materials for pergolas. They can also vary depending on the category of pergola, freestanding, attached or removable.

Wooden pergola: rustic charm

Wood goes well with traditional houses, and brings consistency and naturalness. It is a solid material but it must maintain regularly. So, every two years, you should coat it with a coat of stain to combat insects, fungus and moisture damage.

Steel pergola: modern and romantic

THE wrought ironin addition to being very aesthetic, and a very durable material, especially during large gusts of wind. Steel pergolas offer a classic and sober side that easily adapts to the decor. It is also necessary to think about protect your shed from rust.

Aluminum or stainless steel pergola: design and durability

These are the most resistant materials, which explains why this type of pergola is often more expensive. They are also increasingly tendency, because there are many designs that can satisfy many owners. Aluminum also has the advantage of requiring almost no no maintenance, and last for years. This is the best option if you want a pergola that stands the test of time.

PVC pergola: simple and easy to maintain

It is obviously the most economical material. There PVC pergola is easy to maintain but its lifespan is quite short. This is why we would rather choose it for removable shelters. However, it can last between 5 and 10 years, which is not so bad for a temporary shelter.

What material to choose for the pergola cover

For your roof, you also have different options depending on your tastes and the climatic conditions in your region.


Modular, it will allow you to be in the shade in summerand leave room for light in winter. Take a waterproof canvas for the rain. We do not recommend this option if you live in an area where it is very windy.

Glass roof

It is a good compromise between modular slats and canvas. More solid than the last, but less practical than the first, the glass roof will protect you from bad weather but gets dirty quickly. In addition, the window risks multiplying the heat in summer. You must then add a waterproof canvas to avoid this problem.

Modular blades

It is undoubtedly the best option, is the one that is used for bioclimatic pergolas. Adjustable, they allow you to enjoy a little shade and coolness during hot weather and protect you from the wind and rain when necessary. We can also automate them, so that they cover the hours when the sun is strongest, and open when the sun goes down. Check their waterproofness before purchasing. More expensive, this type of roof is more durable and resistant to different weather conditions.

Does its installation require a building permit?

If you are installing a lean-to pergola of more than 20 m², you will need planning permission as it will be considered an extension of the house. For other types of pergolas, removable and self-supporting, building permit is not necessary.

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