How Alex Lutz manages to “surprise others and himself”

His César received in 2019 for guy seems to have galvanized Alex Lutz. The actor seems more and more comfortable in very different roles. As he proves this week by appearing in Vortex by Gaspar Noé, revealed at Cannes last year and in In the shadow of the girls by Etienne Comar.

“I don’t feel like I’ve changed,” confides the actor to 20 minutes. I continue my merry way by accepting wonderful gifts from directors I admire. » Drug-addicted son of Dario Argento and Françoise Lebrun in Vortexthe comedian is a burnt-out opera singer who gives singing lessons to inmates in In the shadow of the girls.

Complex characters

“The main point in common between these two films is that I was offered complex roles of a man in crisis trying to come to terms with a world that seems hostile to him”, specifies Alex Lutz. He is deeply moved by the damaged women he meets in prison, among whom we recognize Agnès Jaoui and Hafzia Herzi. “I was doubled for singing, he explains, but I had to follow training with a rehearsal coach in order to find the right attitudes to be physically credible in this role. When the voice of an astonishing purity of his character rises, we believe without any concern that he has added this new talent to his panoply.

In Vortex, the actor is on edge between a mother who is losing her mind and a father with whom he has a complicated relationship tainted by years of conflict. “Gaspar Noé gave me the chance to create this drug addict character on this crazy shoot, remembers Alex Lutz. He’s not afraid to let his actors improvise! “And his method pays off because the actor is dazzling as a man lost in the face of his parents, his young son whom he is struggling to raise and an addiction he cannot stop. “I was impressed by Gaspar Noé’s work. He knows what he wants and gets it by giving you great freedom. »

Back on stage

“What interests me in my job are the compositions, insists Alex Lutz. I want my choices to be as polymorphic as possible. Not offering the same variation of the same object each time I accept a project seems to me to be essential both for the viewer and for me. I like to surprise others and myself » Still just as passionate about his profession, he will return to the theater with his Solo on stage for a few last dates in June, working on his new production, the theme of which he jealously keeps secret.

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