Houseplants: Why the Monstera remains so popular

Some trends come and go. But that’s not the case with houseplants. One has prevailed: the Monstera with its large, notched leaves. But why?

Of course, houseplants are also social media stars. They are showcased by influencers, home consultants and interior designers, but also by hobby gardeners and models, and are cared for, watered and cut under media scrutiny. The green star in the constant change of the otherwise often short-lived internet trends is: the Monstera.

This plant, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is easy to recognize: it has leaves up to 50 centimeters in size, in a rich green color, with deep notches on the sides. In its tropical homeland of Central and South America, the plant can wind its way up tree trunks; here, brown moss sticks are usually used as meter-high climbing aids.

But the plant can also be found as a motif on wallpaper, on murals and posters, on cups, T-shirts and much, much more. In short: If one plant has managed to be considered a trendy houseplant for a long time, it is the Monstera. Several developments have contributed to this in recent years:

1. Houseplants are trendy

The Monstera, as a relatively easy-to-care plant, is a good choice for the houseplant trend that has been going on for years. That’s right, houseplants are on trend. For a long time, the green was more of a beautiful accessory than a hip must-have in our homes.

But in recent years, people’s interest in hobby gardening on balconies, terraces, in the garden and in the house has been growing. This is accompanied by a focus on healthy eating and sustainable living.

Added to this were the pandemic, wars in our immediate perception, increasing financial burdens and the shift of many everyday things to the digital world. “When you feel insecure or overwhelmed, your home becomes more of a place of retreat. You bring things into your home that promise peace, calm and security,” explains trend analyst and interior design expert Ursula Geismann from Bonn.

Whether it’s lots of cozy pillows, fluffy carpets, solid wood furniture or opulent greenery: these cozy caves and idylls offer “something analogue, something real, something to touch – and also a contrast to the strong digitalization of our everyday lives,” says Geismann.

2. Jungle plants add greenery to a room

A few small flower pots on the windowsill – that’s no longer enough for many people. Houseplants should provide the rooms with plenty of greenery. They should climb, grow, and have large leaves. This is also a current, albeit small, interior design trend: the jungle in the room (or on the balcony).

Inspiration and many tips on caring for tropical plants can be found on social networks, for example under #urbanjungle or #monsteramonday.

3. The Monstera can be beautifully staged for Insta

The Monstera is photogenic – and that helped it, says Jürgen Herrmannsdörfer, a member of the board of the Association for Indoor Plants and Hydroculture. Pictures of one’s own stylish apartment are often shared on social networks, and of course the chic plants also belong in front of the lens.

Furniture companies also use the Monstera to decorate their model rooms and interior design worlds and share this online. “And then everyone comes to us and wants the beautiful plants from the pictures,” says Herrmannsdörfer. He reveals that the online popularity of the Monstera initially surprised gardeners a little.

But now Herrmannsdörfer is certain: Even after five or six years, the trend is not over yet. “It will continue for now,” says the expert from the gardening industry. “The sales figures speak for themselves.”

4. They are easy to propagate and give away

This could also be because, according to Herrmansdörfer, the Monstera is one of the showcase examples of another green trend: propagation by cuttings.

You cut off a shoot from the plant and either put it in a vase filled with water or directly in the soil – hence the name cutting. There it forms roots and the shoot becomes an independent plant. It is incredibly easy to get new plants for yourself, even without much gardening knowledge.

Propagation from cuttings is an ancient, traditional and sustainable gardening method. It is currently very popular, especially among younger people, says master gardener Herrmannsdörfer. “Above all, you don’t just grow the cuttings for yourself, but also as a gift. Nowadays, when I’m invited somewhere, I bring a plant I’ve grown myself – that’s something special.”

5. The long-lasting alternative to cut flowers

One last tip: At many interior design fairs, where not only new furniture is advertised but also home decor ideas are presented, the huge Monstera leaves can often be seen as decoration.

They stand in large vases on dining or side tables – and give way to many cut flowers. A monstera shoot can remain lush green in water for weeks until it forms roots and becomes a lasting gift.


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