Household morale down slightly, according to INSEE

Household morale fell slightly in February for the second consecutive month, amid fears about inflation, INSEE said on Thursday.

The indicator that summarizes household confidence stands at 98, one point less than in January, thus remaining below its long-term average which is 100, details the National Institute of Statistics.

In the context of rising prices, particularly for energy, more households (+16 points) believe that prices have increased over the last twelve months.

On the other hand, fewer of them (-5 points) believe that this rise will accelerate in the next twelve months.

Unemployment fears down sharply

Households are thus a little less optimistic about the evolution of the standard of living in France in the coming year (-1 point).

On the other hand, in February, fears relating to the evolution of unemployment fell sharply (-10 points) and fell to their lowest level since July 2007, while the unemployment rate fell sharply last year to 7.4 %.

When they look at their personal situation, households are more divided: they are less likely to believe that their past financial situation has improved (-3 points) but a little more optimistic for the future (+1 point).

In February, they are also more likely to consider it appropriate to make major purchases (+1 point), at a level however still slightly below the long-term average.

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