“House of the Dragon”: This is how streaming providers fight for viewers

Eagerly awaited: The series “House of the Dragon” and “The Rings of Power” extend well-known fantasy material into an endless spectacle. A bet worth millions with an uncertain outcome.

The Middle Ages are back. Men in armor are finally squeezing into each other again. They’re finally hitting each other in the face with steel blades again, in battle paintings full of blood and violence. The women, with elaborately plaited hairstyles and in pretty dresses, are good for refilling alcoholic beverages or as birthing machines. The sun is scarce, hygiene is poor, and kites regularly circle the sky.

The places of action are called Middle-earth and Westeros; they are magical set pieces of an epoch that no modern person actually wishes to return. Shorter showers and less heating are, thanks to an unfortunately very real war in the East, deprivations enough in winter. which is coming soon.

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