‘House of the Dragon’ Star Emma D’Arcy: ‘I Thought It Was Just One of Those Fantasy Shows’

“Game of Thrones” prequel
‘House of the Dragon’ Star Emma D’Arcy: ‘I Thought It Was Just One of Those Fantasy Shows’

Emma D’Arcy would like to use the non-binary pronoun they be addressed

© Xavier Collin / Avalon / picture alliance / Photoshot / Picture Alliance

Emma D’Arcy is the new star of House of the Dragon. At first she didn’t even know that it was a “Game of Thrones” offshoot. In the media, she likes to portray herself as somewhat naïve and yet enlightened at the same time.

Emma D’Arcy is one of the central characters of the “Game of Thrones” prequel. In the series, D’Arcy plays the role of the elderly princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Long white hair, pale complexion, just typical Targaryen. The princess is in the midst of a bitter struggle to succeed the Iron Throne: she is to become the first female heir.

D’Arcy also recognizes herself in the role: “I’ve always felt attracted and repelled by male and female identities and I think that’s really reflected here,” she told the “Hollywood reporters“. D’Arcy is non-binary and would like to use the pronoun in English they be addressed. Gender and patriarchy are themes that run through the entire series. Rhaenyra is very interested in gender dynamics: “She has a keen awareness of the different space given to men and women. She feels like an outsider who, despite her best efforts and from a very young age, is looking for a way of life that feels authentic. I find that very moving,” reports the “W Magazine“.

When the 30-year-old auditioned for the role, she had no idea she was casting for one of the most anticipated projects of recent years. And she hadn’t seen the original series either. “I’m very naive, and the passage was untitled, so I thought it was just another fantasy series,” she said in an interview with the “VogueBut there was also a good side to her: “I just don’t think I could have coped with the pressure of the audition if I had had the love for ‘Game of Thrones’ then that I have now.”

Emma D’Arcy: “I thought ‘House of the Dragon’ was a parody”

The online magazine “iNewsShe said, “Everybody’s doing fantasy series these days, so I thought it was kind of a parody. I didn’t realize it until I was asked to send in another casting tape.” She says she’s a long-time fan of fantasy and science fiction, and it’s not just because of the costumes and wigs. What she finds most appealing about the genres is that they hold up a mirror to society, she told Vogue.

iNews” she also shared that she got the confirmation for the role at a difficult time: all other commissions had disappeared because of the pandemic. “It was a very strange timing. I was very happy to have something to do again,” she said. And then she started watching all seasons of Game of Thrones.

Born in London, D’Arcy studied art before beginning her career in theatre. But “House of the Dragon” is her first really big project. “This is all new to me,” she told iNews. To do this, she learned the film language High Valyrian, which she says she is now good at. She also has an anecdote about filming the dragon scenes: “It’s like when you were a kid pretending that the bike was a horse, it brings out that playful energy. You have several leaf blowers on your face. That’s very, very funny,” she told iNews.

But she is also thoughtful. In an interview with “Entertainment WeeklyShe says of her youth: “When I look at myself at the age of 12, 16 or even 20, I have the feeling that these people are very different from who I think I am today. I recognize them and empathize with them, but I feel different and separate now. I think I have multiple selves that I inhabit throughout my life.”

D’Arcy also reflects on the future of her job: “I’m in an industry where you can’t be an actor tomorrow. It’s hard to stay in this industry. Overall, I just feel very happy that I can do my job eleven months longer.” She also refuses to believe that being in the Game of Thrones prequel will change her life forever. “iNews” she said: “Who knows, maybe I’ll give up everything and do something completely different soon.”

Sources: Entertainment Weekly“, “Hollywood reporters“, “iNews“, “metro“, “Vogue“, “W Magazine

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