Hospitalized patients will fall below the 9,000 mark

The decline continues. Currently, 9,024 Covid-19 patients are hospitalized, against 9,190 the day before and around 31,000 two months earlier, in mid-April, at the peak of the third wave. This figure had not gone back below the 9,000 mark since October 13.

Among these hospitalized patients, 1,349 are in critical care services, reserved for the most seriously ill, against 6,000 two months previously. Again, we have to go back to October 4 to find such a low total. On average, over the past seven days, some 140 people have been hospitalized daily, including just over 30 in critical care units.

Twelve deaths in hospitals in 24 hours

The momentum of recent days, we remain at around 2,000 new cases detected in 24 hours. The disease killed 12 patients in 24 hours in hospital, against 33 the day before, bringing the total of deaths to 110,980 since the start of the epidemic in March 2020.

In addition, 21.1 million people are now fully vaccinated (either with two doses or with just one for people who had already had Covid-19 or received the Janssen vaccine), which represents 31.3% of the total population. In addition, 33.3 million people received at least one injection (or 49.4% of the total population).

In recent days, the government and health authorities have insisted on the importance of being fully vaccinated to block the Delta variant of the coronavirus, which is more transmissible than other strains.

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