Hospital ordered to pay more than a million euros after patient’s stroke

The victim is now disabled and has lost his job. Tulle hospital was ordered to pay more than one million euros to a thirty-something victim of a stroke in 2016 after the postponement of an examination which should have been done urgently, according to a judgment rendered at the end of April.

In this decision whose newspapers The People of the Center And The mountain echo Wednesday, consulted by AFP, the administrative court of Limoges also ordered the payment of 325,000 euros to Social Security.

The 30-year-old suffers from significant sequelae

The former mechanic, born in 1989, first went to the emergency room of Ussel hospital in Corrèze on May 1, 2016, due to intense headaches and vomiting. A brain scan revealed no abnormalities and he was discharged home.

On May 9, new headaches and difficulty in articulating had led the patient to his attending physician who, after telephone consultations, had referred him to the hospital in Tulle for a brain MRI. He had gone there immediately but after several hours of waiting, the examination had not been carried out, the establishment scheduling a remote MRI.

Two days later, the young man, suffering from aphasia, was hospitalized in Tulle, where an MRI performed this time in an emergency revealed a stroke from which he retained significant sequelae – right hemiplegia and blindness in the left eye in particular.

Ussel hospital was exonerated for its action, but the court found that Tulle hospital had “wrongly” judged a week later that an examination was not immediately useful, and committed “a fault” by not prescribing him aspirin, the victim’s “loss of chance” being assessed at 95%.

“In compensation for the damage suffered”, the Mutual Insurance Hospital Company (Sham) will have to pay 813,765 euros, after a provision of 197,807 euros four years ago. Annual pensions totaling 53,000 euros were also granted to the victim to compensate for his need for permanent assistance and the loss of his professional earnings – after sick leave, the young man was dismissed in 2018, for physical incapacity , by the automobile garage that employed him.

The Tulle hospital center and the Sham were finally ordered to pay 325,430 euros to the CPAM, as well as an annual pension, to compensate for its various services.

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