Horror find in Lüdenscheid: police discover dead baby in basement Regional

Lüdenscheid (NRW) – In the basement of a house in Lüdenscheid (Märkischer Kreis), police officers found a dead newborn on Tuesday.

As the police reported on Wednesday, the body is that of a little girl. It was hidden in the basement, the tip came from a roommate. According to BILD information, the baby was wrapped in several towels and bags.

The responsible prosecutor Thomas Wünnenberg: “After the autopsy, there is currently no evidence that the child was born alive. So there’s a good chance it was stillborn.”

Wünnenberg: “The child had been lying there for a long time. The condition of the corpse was accordingly.”

A murder commission was formed and the mother (43), known to the police, of the dead baby was first arrested. However, she was released on Wednesday as there was no suspicion of a crime.

Now the police and the public prosecutor’s office hope to find out more about the cause of death by hearing more witnesses from the woman’s environment.

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