Home office: Why some companies value being present – business

Home office for everyone, that sounds good. However, some companies still want their employees not to work too much from home. Why companies value presence.


Elisabeth Dostert

Home office – what now?

The new SZ series “Home Office – What Now?” sheds light on the good and bad sides of working from home, shows who is having a particularly difficult time in the home office, and describes how the world of work will change. You can find all episodes on this overview page.

Family entrepreneur Matthias Lapp would actually be sitting these days with colleagues from Germany, Switzerland and Austria at Lapp’s headquarters in Stuttgart to talk about how the year went and what’s next. One or the other would go to production to chat with colleagues. And in the evening everyone would sit together at the gala evening, Lapp explains in the video call. This autumn, the meeting will take place virtually for the second time due to the corona pandemic. Lapp has to go straight down to the company’s own recording studio. And before that in the mask – straighten your hair, a little powder so that the skin does not shine in the light of the headlights. He will see the little red dot when the camera is running, but will not be able to perceive how people react to his presentations and words. Lapp, 39, has no real encounters.

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