Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn welcomes new vicar – district of Munich

The Evangelical community in Höhenkirchen has again a young theologian to train as a pastor: Lukas Meyer has been completing his vicarage since May 1 and is accompanied by Pastor Thomas Lotz as a mentor. This Sunday, May 29, at 10 a.m., the 32-year-old theologian will introduce himself to the congregation in the Kreuz-Christi-Kirche on Martin-Luther-Platz and will also preach at the same time. Meyer originally comes from Hildesheim, but did his doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich on a topic from theological ethics and has therefore settled with his wife and two small children in the Munich area. By February 2024, he will get to know all the typical tasks of the pastoral profession, from church services to religious instruction. After the service there will be a small drink where those interested can talk to the new vicar.

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