Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn wants to become an organic town and fair trade town – district of Munich

The municipality of Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn is applying to be a fair trade town and also wants to join the network of organic cities in Germany. The latter is an association of municipalities founded ten years ago, which support each other in promoting “organic farming, processing and the demand for organic food with short transport routes and regional added value”. The network currently includes 22 cities and municipalities, which give priority to organic food in public facilities and at events, especially when it comes to providing food for children and young people. In addition, these municipalities are committed to getting canteens, the citizenry and catering companies enthusiastic about organic food through campaigns.

The majority of the Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn municipal council now voted to join this network. Meanwhile, the vote for an application as a Fairtrade Town was unanimous, for which the community has to meet various criteria. Among other things, fair trade products must be used in public institutions and regular campaigns on the subject must be organized. In addition, it is stipulated that at least four shops and two restaurants in the village have corresponding products in their range. And: Fair trade coffee and another fair trade product is mandatory at all municipal council meetings and in the mayor’s office. There are currently 544 Fairtrade Towns nationwide. In addition to Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn, Haar, Putzbrunn, Unterschleißheim and Neubiberg are also in the application phase or are preparing them.

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