Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn: Villa Glückskind is being renovated – district of Munich

The rooms of the Villa Glückskind in Siegertsbrunn are renovated. As the main committee of the municipal council unanimously decided, on the one hand the bedroom of the large day care should be enlarged so that it meets the requirements for children in crèches. On the other hand, there are plans to redesign one of the bathrooms to be suitable for children by replacing the toilet and the washbasin with a lower sink. Since June 2020, Villa Glückskind has been looking after ten children aged up to three years in the building on Saglerstrasse. Last summer, the facility’s second location was a large bilingual day-care center on Bahnhofsstraße in Höhenkirchen, which offers space for ten two- to six-year-olds. Villa Glückskind wants to remain in the rooms in Siegertsbrunn in the long term, said Mayor Mindy Konwitschny (SPD). “That’s why they should now be set up better for the children.” The municipality expects costs of a good 6,000 euros for the conversion.

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