Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn – Budget for Renewable Energies – District of Munich

The community of Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn wants to generate more green electricity. For example, the municipal council’s environmental committee has spoken out in favor of budgeting 300,000 euros annually from 2022 for the installation of photovoltaic systems on municipal buildings. The first step is to investigate where this is technically feasible and economically viable. In this context, the town hall will also examine the construction of small wind and solar thermal systems that convert solar energy into heat.

This addition was suggested by Otto Bußjäger (Independent Citizens). The original application for the expansion of photovoltaics, however, goes back to a move by the Greens. According to this, the roofs of the communal properties should be provided with solar cells or green roofs as extensively as possible. As the climate protection officer in the town hall, Constanze Neumann, reported to the environment committee, the roofs of the multi-purpose hall and the municipal barracks have already been checked – and photovoltaic systems can be installed on both. In addition, the community kindergarten, the Sigoho Marchwart elementary school, the Kindergarten Farbenfroh, the senior center, the Bluebox and the community house on Bahnhofstrasse will be examined. The administration wants to wait, however, at the Erich-Kästner-Schule, where a renovation or a new building is planned, as well as at the town hall, since there is a move to the center of the town in the medium term.

If it goes according to the ideas of the municipal administration, two to three photovoltaic systems should be installed per year in the future. With a view to this goal, Dorothee Stoewahse (Greens) suggested increasing the originally planned budget from 200,000 to 300,000 euros a year. All committee members agreed – with the exception of Mathias Mooz (CSU), who voted against the decision. As a justification, he cited the concern about direct current magnetic fields that would arise when operating the photovoltaic systems. Since they have negative effects on health, according to Mooz, he rejects photovoltaic systems, especially in schools and kindergartens.

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