Hogwarts Legacy is also coming to Nintendo Switch

Hogwarts Legacy also opens its doors on the Nintendo Switch and welcomes wizards and witches.

Since the last State of Play edition, Hogwarts Legacy has been on everyone’s lips. The game showed off impressive early gameplay scenes and gave a foretaste of Hogwarts Castle and its surroundings. So far it was only clear that the role-playing game in the Harry Potter universe will only be released for PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. But the game’s official site reveals another version that many weren’t necessarily aware of.

Hogwarts Legacy is also coming to Nintendo Switch

What other platforms will Hogwarts Legacy be released on? In addition to the consoles already mentioned, there will also be a Hogwarts Legacy version for Nintendo Switch. At the bottom of the official site, you can see the Nintendo Switch icon next to the platforms the game is released for. Also in FAQ it is mentioned again that Hogwarts Legacy will be released for Nintendo Switch, among other things.

A video preview of Hogwarts Legacy can be found here:

Hogwarts Legacy Will Be The Biggest Game In The Harry Potter Universe - Open World Magic Action Video Preview


Hogwarts Legacy Will Be The Biggest Game In The Harry Potter Universe – Open World Magic Action Video Preview

Also lists the English Amazonsite already has the Nintendo Switch version priced at $59.99. The fact that the game’s Switch packaging is shown could indicate that Hogwarts Legacy will even come out as a physical retail version and not just a cloud version.

More information from the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at a glance:

Pros and cons of a physical version

A cloud version requires a high speed internet connection as the title is played on a server using streaming technology and not from the console. This means that players with a slow internet connection would be at a disadvantage.

However, it also means that the development team is confident that Hogwarts Legacy will run smoothly on the Nintendo Switch. Technically, the console is a bit weaker than its competition, which is why some titles like Control have already been released as cloud versions so that they can still be played on the switch.

If you missed the State of Play, you can get the most important gameplay information from the following article:

Hogwarts Legacy: All gameplay information from the State of Play at a glance


more on the subject

Hogwarts Legacy: All gameplay information from the State of Play at a glance

All brief information about Hogwarts Legacy

When is Hogwarts Legacy coming out? The role-playing game will be released in the 4th quarter of 2022. The English Amazon page lists December 31, 2022, but this will only be a placeholder.

Why is? In an open world we can move freely and explore the famous magic school. But the surrounding area is also open to us and thus trips to the village of Hogsmeade or the Forbidden Forest.

TransfeFriendship at JK Rowling: The success of Hogwarts Legacy indirectly benefits Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who participates through existing publishing rights and the associated sale of the books. Rowling continues to be active in anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and actively supports anti-trans policies in the UK. If you want to find out more about the topic, you will find, among other things, here and here Additional information.

However, the story takes place several years before Harry Potter started school and also long before Voldemort. We are entering Hogwarts in the 19th century. That’s why we don’t play a well-known character in Hogwarts Legacy, but create our own hero. We can develop this in different directions and learn new spells.

Which platform will you get Hogwarts Legacy for?

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