Historic stock exchange in flames: “It hurts the Danish people’s soul”

As of: April 16, 2024 5:38 p.m

The people of Copenhagen are in shock. The historic stock exchange, one of the city’s landmarks, is in flames. The damage is immense.

Denmark’s Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen speaks of Copenhagen’s “Notre Dame moment” when he sees the flames shooting out of the old stock exchange. In the morning, the roof of the historic building suddenly bursts into flames.

Huge clouds of smoke drift over the city and can be seen as far away as the other side of the Öresund in Malmö. Passersby are shocked to see how the iconic spire collapses a short time later.

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Historic Copenhagen Stock Exchange in flames

The building shapes the cityscape

The former stock exchange is considered one of the landmarks of the Danish capital. It was created around 1620 on behalf of King Christian IV. It had been restored for several years and was therefore covered in scaffolding. Today it is the headquarters of the trade and employers’ association Dansk Erhverv.

Prime Minister Frederiksen shocked

The historic building is located in the middle of Copenhagen, right next to the Danish Parliament. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was shocked: “It is a piece of Danish history that is burning before our eyes. I think we were all shocked when the tower fell. It hurts the Danish people’s soul. Many, many hundreds of years have passed here History in flames.”

In addition to the offices, the building housed a large art collection. Helpers were able to save some of the valuable paintings from the flames. It took several people to carry away the work “From the Copenhagen Stock Exchange” by the Norwegian-Danish painter PS Kröyer.

Firefighters leave the main entrance of the Alte Börse. About 120 of them are in use.

Old construction makes extinguishing work more difficult

But a large part of the historic stock exchange has been destroyed. After the fire had spread to all floors of the building, there was even a risk of collapse in parts, as Jakob Vedsted from the emergency services explained. He describes the fire as huge. “Older buildings are usually made of wooden structures and this one also has a copper roof to keep the heat in.” This makes the extinguishing work more difficult.

At least: According to preliminary information from the authorities, there are no injuries. But the material and cultural damage is huge. And for the people of Copenhagen, a familiar sight in the cityscape is lost for a long time. Pensioner Marianne Trier Mörk even came by to see the remains of the building. “I just had to come here, it feels like a historic moment. And it’s kind of a farewell for me,” she says.

The iconic spire of the Old Stock Exchange, Copenhagen’s landmark and tourist attraction, has collapsed.

King Frederik thanks the emergency services

The Danes still don’t dare to think about how much of the cultural treasures under the roof of the stock exchange have been destroyed. King Frederik X thanked all emergency services and volunteers in a message. The characteristic spire has shaped Copenhagen’s reputation as the city of towers, explained the monarch. Now the Danish capital is one tower poorer.

Julia Waschenbach, ARD Stockholm, tagesschau, April 16, 2024 5:10 p.m

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