Historic coronation for Germany, the United States end on a new rout

Seventeenth in 2010, not qualified in 2014, eighteenth in 2019, and… the supreme title in 2023. Not really among the favorites for these Basketball Worlds, Germany achieved the feat of winning the holy grail, this Sunday, in Manila (Philippines), beating Serbia (83-77). Gordon Herbert’s men continue their revival since the retirement of Dirk Nowitzki, in the wake of a podium obtained at the Euro in 2022.

The Germans were able to count on a huge Dennis Schroder, author of 28 points in the final, after having produced a lackluster performance in the semi-final, and who gave headaches to Bogdan Bogdanovic (17 points), almost invisible in the second half. The Lakers point guard was even named MVP of the competition and was rewarded with a beautiful watch.

Americans not on the podium

The podium is completed by Canada, who beat the United States in the game for 3rd place. Long behind, Team USA caught up at the buzzer thanks to a stratospheric shot from Dillon Brooks, author of 39 points. But Steve Kerr’s men ended up cracking in overtime (127-118).

“I don’t need this tournament to know how difficult Fiba basketball is, I was on the staff in 2019 when we finished seventh,” explained the American coach. The selections have very good players, very good coaches and have been playing together for a long time. For us, it’s difficult to have continuity as the players change from year to year. Steve Kerr said the NBA had “a lot to learn from FIBA ​​basketball, but it’s a big subject that I can’t cover here due to time constraints.”

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