his sister, Mickaëlle Paty, reads a letter on the radio to challenge the State

Mickaëlle Paty asks for the opening of a parliamentary inquiry in order to establish the “flaws” and the “dysfunctions” which led to the assassination of her brother.

Le Figaro

Published update

His speeches are extremely rare. This Thursday on European 1 Mickaëlle Paty – the sister of Samuel Paty -, read a letter she addressed to the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, to request the opening of a parliamentary inquiry in order to establish the “flaws” and the “malfunctionswhich led to the assassination of his brother, a history and geography teacher.

” READ ALSO – The ordeal of Samuel Paty in three acts

Like anyone else, I was not prepared to endure the violence of a terrorist attack, nor, moreover, to hear my mother’s scream telling me that my brother had been beheaded.“began Mickaëlle Paty. In this letter, published Tuesday by the online news site Factual Mickaëlle Paty, the sister of Samuel Paty, asks the Senate “the ability to hold accountable those responsible for the mismanagement, mishandling of the threat to my brother, and subsequent lack of foresight”.

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“Samuel’s descent into hell will have lasted 11 days, and no one could ignore it. Those in charge could not misunderstand the seriousness and the constancy of the danger, nor the imminence of his attack., she wrote. Mickaëlle Paty asks “the opening of a parliamentary inquiry in order to establish the flaws in this tragedy and to try to plug the breaches“.

“Respectful Empathy”

On Wednesday, the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher (LR), wanted this request to open a parliamentary commission of inquiry to be examined with “attention” And “respectful empathy“.

For Gérard Larcher, Samuel Paty has “contributed his share, more than his share since he gave his life for educational principles“. His family anda number of his colleagues (…) deserve that we examine this request with attention, a desire for justice and at the same time, a form of respectful empathy“, he added on C news. The final decision will rest with the Senate Law Committee.

In April 2022, the family of Samuel Paty had filed a complaint against the public authorities For “non-impediment of crime and non-assistance to person in peril“. The complaint filed, in particular at the initiative of the parents and the two sisters of Samuel Paty, was intended to “bring to the attention of the Public Prosecutor of the facts and omissions which seem to characterize the offense of non-assistance to a person in danger with regard to several agents of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of National Education who had to know directly or indirectly about the situation of Samuel Paty“.

On October 16, 2020, the 47-year-old teacher was stabbed and then beheaded near his college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines) by Abdoullakh Anzorov, a Russian refugee of Chechen origin. This radicalized Islamist was shot dead by the police. He reproached the professor for having shown in class, during a lesson on freedom of expression, caricatures of Muhammad.

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