his parents and his brother filed a complaint against X

The parents and brother of Dinah, a 14-year-old Alsatian who committed suicide in October after being the victim of harassment, especially at school, filed a complaint against X on Thursday November 25, as they had announced, franceinfo learned from a source familiar with the matter. The complaint, addressed to the prosecutor of the Republic of Mulhouse, contains five counts of offense: “moral harassment” and “complicity in moral harassment”, “provocation to suicide”, “failure to provide assistance” as well as “manslaughter” .

According to Franceinfo information, the teenager’s parents denounce the far too passive attitude of the college in which their daughter was educated in fourth and third, especially after Dinah’s suicide attempt in March 2021. “The family didn’t even get a call or a letter from management”, protested master Laure Boutron-Marmion, lawyer for the parents and brother of Dinah. It was during her schooling in this establishment that she was the victim of scholastic, lesbophobic and racist harassment. The complaint, which franceinfo was able to consult, stipulates that “members of the Émile-Zola college committed several faulty negligence leading to Dinah’s suicide” because he “knew the dramatic situation” she was in but did not do everything possible to stop the harassment.

For example, despite the parents’ request, the harassers were never summoned by the establishment. A “passivity” who “clearly allowed the stalkers to continue their actions against Dinah with impunity”, states the complaint. Asked about this, Master Laure Boutron-Marmion said to have been “particularly taken aback and shocked by the attitude” the members and the administration of the college. “In two years, only one date has been obtained by the family, and again, by dint of persuasion”, she is indignant. According to her, it was finally said to Dinah’s father “that it was bickering between girlfriends. The management did not even show up for this meeting”, she explains. She claims that the teenager’s parents “did not even know if the principal of the college was a woman or a man”.

Contacted by franceinfo, the rectorate of the Strasbourg Academy replies that “the Émile-Zola college had set up the harassment protocol that it had already applied in the situations identified”. While it does not rule out the appearance of new elements during the investigation, the rectorate considers that “in this dramatic case, there is no evidence to conclude that the situation would have been underestimated or that the appeals or writings of the family would have gone unanswered”.

The family also denounces a letter sent to their daughter by the stalkers, after this suicide attempt, in which they encourage her to succeed in committing suicide. The complaint also names several stalkers and provides evidence against them, including a message sent by the teenager to her mother, after her suicide attempt, making the link between their harassment and her act.

“It’s not that I don’t want to go to school, I know that sooner or later I should go. (…) It’s hard to lose friends overnight for no reason. (…) J I want to see absolutely no one, to lie down somewhere and not get up anymore. I want to talk to no one, to be silent and to face the sad and monotonous silence. “

Dinah, 14 year old

in a text message sent to his mother

The teenager, educated in second class, was found hanged at the family home in Kingersheim (Haut-Rhin), on the night of October 4 to 5. The Mulhouse prosecutor’s office opened an investigation for “harassment” at the end of October. Initially, he had opened an investigation for “research of the causes of death”.

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