Hiromi Rollin strikes back and targets the actor’s children

The case around Alain Delon’s “lady-in-waiting”, Hiromi Rollin, continues, still before the courts. The daily The Parisian found this Tuesday that a 39-page note written by the lawyer for the mis en cause, Me Yassine Bouzrou, had been sent to the prosecutor of Montargis (Loiret).

In this document, Hiromi Rollin disputes the facts with which she is accused and returns the accusations against the actor’s children, Anouchka, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon. The latter had filed a complaint against him, Wednesday, July 5, in particular for acts of “moral harassment”, “misappropriation of correspondence” and “animal abuse”.

“Complex Relationships”

In this note, Hiromi Rollin refutes being Alain Delon’s “lady companion”, a term used by the actor’s children. She claims to have been the artist’s companion since the 2000s. They would have met in 1989 during a shoot on which she was assistant director. Since 2006, they have lived together in the Douchy house.

Through her lawyer, the sexagenarian indicates that she maintains “complex relations” with Anouchka, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon, “who have never accepted the existence of the romantic relationship maintained by their father with Madame Rollin”. “It is (…) to be feared that the interest of Mr. Delon’s children is solely pecuniary and that they do not hesitate to question Mrs. Rollin in order to prevent her from one day receiving a financial advantage from the part of Mr. Delon”.

The vulnerability of the actor is also questioned. “If it turns out that these documents mentioned in the press and allegedly written by Mr. Delon had been produced in court after having been obtained in circumstances particularly contrary to Mr. Delon’s will, Mrs. Rollin will then request that the justice system also questions the commission by Mr. Delon’s entourage of offenses of forgery, use of forgery and attempted fraud in judgment, ”continues the lawyer.

Thursday, July 7, the Montargis prosecutor’s office announced the opening of a preliminary investigation following complaints from the Delon family. “After studying these complaints, the Montargis public prosecutor’s office decided to open a preliminary investigation entrusted in cosaisine to the research section of Orléans and to the research brigade of Montargis”, specified in a press release the public prosecutor. de Montargis, Jean-Cedric Gaux.

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