Hiromi Rollin denounces an “attempted homicide” on the actor

The lawyer for Hiromi Rollin, who presents herself as the partner of Alain Delon, estimated in a letter sent to the courts that the decisions taken by the actor’s children could “characterize acts of attempted voluntary homicide” , we learned on Saturday.

Friday, Me Yassine Bouzrou, counsel for Hiromi Rollin, sent a six-page letter requesting the opening of an investigation to the Montargis prosecutor, not far from the residence in Douchy (Loiret) where the actor, aged 88, lives. years old and in declining health since a stroke in 2019.

“Mrs. Rollin is particularly worried and shocked by the exchanges between the children revealed today in the press, which is why she has decided to bring to your attention the facts of attempted intentional homicide which she suspects was committed,” we can say. read in this letter revealed by Le Figaro and Le Parisien, which AFP was able to consult on Saturday.

“It would hasten the death of their father”

Me Bouzrou estimates that “the treatment to stabilize the development of the lymphoma he suffers from has not been administered to him since July 2023, i.e. more than six months”.

Also, “the rapid and serious deterioration of his state of health thus appears directly linked to this lack of follow-up of treatment”, denounces Me Bouzrou.

“It follows from these elements that the children of Mr. Alain Delon could not be unaware that stopping the treatment for lymphoma would have the immediate consequence of deteriorating his state of health and that this would precipitate the death of their father,” further denounces the Hiromi Rollin’s lawyer. The latter says she was kicked out of her home on July 5, 2023 by Alain Delon’s three children.

Anouchka Delon clears herself

“It is not simply a matter of questioning a possible cessation of treatment: it is a matter of the extremely serious decision to stop vital treatment without the advice of doctors, hence the legal qualification retained,” explained Saturday to AFP Me Bouzrou.

Anouchka Delon’s entourage reacted to AFP, saying that the actor’s daughter deplored “being targeted by this denunciation of Hiromi Rollin”.

“In the report to the prosecutor by Alain Delon’s lawyer, several dozen messages are mentioned which show that Anouchka deplores the cessation of follow-up by Swiss doctors, and that she requests treatment adapted to the his father’s state of health.

In a press release, Me Christophe Ayela, lawyer for Alain Delon, declared that “the fact that the prosecutor requested a medical expertise was an adequate response to our report. Me Bouzrou’s denunciation goes in the same direction. Alain Delon must resume treatments which are vital for him.”

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