Hiring in 2023 remains at “a very high level”

It hires with a vengeance. Recruitment planned for 2023 by business leaders remains at “a very high level” and is increasingly difficult to achieve, according to the annual “Labour needs” survey by Pôle emploi, published on Friday. . The survey reports 3.039 million recruitment projects for 2023, barely 7,000 less than in 2022, a record year characterized by post-Covid catch-up.

Despite the economic slowdown, “companies continue to recruit”, commented the director of studies at Pôle emploi, Stéphane Ducatez, during a press conference. More than three out of ten establishments plan to hire with, a new record, 72% of recruitment projects on a long-term contract (54.3% on permanent contracts and 17.9% on fixed-term contracts of more than six months).

Seasonal workers are in high demand

This survey, which has existed for twenty years, was carried out among 424,000 establishments between October and December 2022. The dynamic is driven by establishments with fewer than 10 employees, which represent one in two projects and have hiring intentions up by 5%. While intentions increased by 8.3% in accommodation and catering, they fell by 5.3% in retail trade.

The most sought-after professions are seasonal workers in agriculture and the hotel and catering industry, care and support professions (caregivers, home helpers, nurses), maintenance workers and truck drivers.

Normandy and Centre-Val-de-Loire are the most dynamic regions, with intentions up by more than 10%, while Hauts-de-France and Grand-Est are down by more than 4%. As a result of these massive hirings, recruitment difficulties “are becoming widespread” and concern almost all companies and all sectors, according to Stéphane Ducatez.

In 2023, 61% of hiring projects are deemed “difficult” by employers, an increase of 3 points. The greatest difficulties are in construction (roofers, plumbers, carpenters, painters, etc.), industry (boilermakers, welders, etc.), automobile repair and health.

In 9 cases out of 10, the recruitment will take place, but it will take longer, the employer will have to make the offer more attractive (working conditions, salary), broaden its recruitment or train a candidate.

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