High school canteens switch to a single price at the start of the school year

While many communities are forced to increase the price of meals in school canteens to cope with soaring prices, the Brittany region will introduce the single rate in its high schools. Adopted this fall, the measure will be put into effect as of this start of the school year in the 115 public establishments in the region. “We are harmonizing prices for the sake of fairness,” says Isabelle Pellerin, vice-president of the region in charge of high schools.

The overhaul of the fee schedule also aims to provide greater clarity. Because until now, canteen prices were very disparate since each establishment set its own prices. As a result, no less than 600 tariffs coexisted in the region with prices ranging from 2.57 euros to 4.30 euros.

A price varying from 2.70 to 4.30 euros

From now on, the new price, based on the family quotient, will vary between 2.70 euros for the most modest and 4.30 euros for the wealthiest. This overhaul of tariffs will therefore make winners but also losers. “But the real cost of a meal is estimated at around €8”, recalls Isabelle Pellerin, specifying that “the region bears between 43 and 66% of the cost”.

With the rise in food and energy prices, this cost could also soar in the coming months. “We will look at the reality of these costs at the end of the year and we will see if there is a need to rebalance things at the next start of the school year, indicates the elected official. But it will be the responsibility of the region”.

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