Hezbollah chief: Nasrallah: Killing of Hamas leader was Israeli attack

Hezbollah chief
Nasrallah: Killing of Hamas leader was Israeli attack

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah greets his supporters during a video broadcast as part of a ceremony marking the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Iranian Quds Force General Soleimani. photo

© Hassan Ammar/AP/dpa

Hamas leader Saleh al-Aruri was killed in Lebanon on Tuesday. Now the head of Hezbollah in Lebanon is speaking out in a highly anticipated speech.

The Secretary General of the Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has blamed Israel for the killing of Hamas leader Saleh al-Aruri. In a speech on Wednesday, he spoke of a “blatant Israeli attack” on the southern suburb of the Lebanese capital Beirut. “Israel tried to project an image of victory by killing Al-Aruri,” Nasrallah said.

As deputy head of Hamas’ political bureau, al-Aruri was the second-highest leader of the Islamist Palestinian organization abroad. He died in an explosion on Tuesday evening. Nasrallaha’s speech had already been planned. The occasion was the fourth anniversary of the killing of the powerful Iranian general Ghassem Soleimani, who was killed by the US in a drone strike in Iraq in 2020.

Against the backdrop of Al-Aruri’s killing, Nasrallah’s speech was eagerly awaited. There are concerns that the conflict with Israel could further escalate. Nasrallah announced that he would address the public again on Friday. “I will discuss certain current issues on Friday instead of tonight,” he said.

Hamas also blames Israel for Al-Arouri’s violent death. When asked, the Israeli army did not want to comment on the killing of the high-ranking Hamas representative.

Since the beginning of the Gaza war on October 7th, there has been repeated shelling between Hezbollah and the Israeli military on the Lebanese-Israeli border. There were deaths on both sides.


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