Hesse: Two young people drown in a bathing lake

Two young people drown in a bathing lake

The fire brigade and rescue services are looking for two missing young people at the Breitenbacher See. photo

© Yuliya Krannich/TVNews-Hessen/dpa

There was a fatal accident in a bathing lake in Hesse. The cause is so far unclear.

Two young people drowned in a Hessian bathing lake. According to the police, several young people were on a boat on Lake Breitenbach near Bebra in the afternoon. A 13-year-old and a 15-year-old went into the water and for initially unclear reasons.

Helpers from the DLRG and the fire brigade, among others, searched for the two young people for several hours. A police helicopter was also in action. When the boy and the girl were found, only their deaths could be determined, despite the medical measures taken immediately.

According to the police, the exact circumstances were initially unclear. “At the moment, however, a tragic bathing accident must be assumed,” said a police statement.


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