Hervé and Stéphanie from “Love is in the meadow” “made life hard” at Stéphane Plaza

In the realm of fiction, a crossover (Quebecers say “incursion”) consists of the reunion, in the same episode, of characters from two different series. Friends and crazy about you, Lawyers and Associates and PJ, Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice… examples abound.

M6 offers this Friday at 9:10 p.m. a crossover unreleased television with a number of Search apartment or house which will see Stéphane Plaza go in search of the dream property for a couple of love and in the meadow. In this case Hervé and his partner Stéphanie who, after falling in love during the speed-dating of the sixteenth season, last year, moved in together under the same roof. A small temporary nest before finding their ideal home.

“At the beginning, I left to buy land in order to build the house”, tells 20 minutes the farmer settled in the Somme. Learning this during the filming of the balance sheet, in September 2021, Karine Le Marchand would then have had “the idea of ​​contacting Stéphane Plaza”.

“Don’t miss it”

Here is how, between November and February, the cameras of Search apartment or house regularly came to Courcelles-sous-Thoix, a Hauts-de-France town of barely 70 souls where Hervé’s farm is located.

The young couple had a budget of 245,000 euros and was looking for a three-bedroom house. “We made life difficult at Stéphane Plaza! I know it was very difficult to find something that matched what we were looking for. My main criterion was proximity to the farm. I didn’t want to exceed a radius of 7 km. Stephanie absolutely wanted a bathroom and a bedroom on the ground floor. If there was not that, we eliminated, ”summarizes the Picard.

Without revealing too much, Stephanie was the most difficult to convince. “It’s a joint purchase so, automatically, you have to make concessions. Buying the ideal house is very difficult. In my work, I’ve always had the habit of making important decisions, but here it concerns our life as a couple, it’s our first acquisition together, we mustn’t miss each other”, says Hervé, to remind us of the challenges.

A marriage proposal

Karine Le Marchand also made the trip to tour the owner – we warned you, it’s a real crossover. And there was even a twist. Under conditions that we will leave you the pleasure of discovering, Hervé made his marriage proposal to Stéphanie. “I took advantage of the fact that mum was not there to do it in small groups. Later, I redid my request in front of my parents away from the cameras”, he informs us.

Will the wedding host the M6 ​​cameras for an upcoming broadcast? “For now, I don’t know, it’s too early. We have not yet taken the steps, we have not set a date, ”reframes Hervé. What if the couple had their honeymoon in an upcoming season of Beijing Express ? We’re going to submit our idea to the channel.

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