here is the new exam schedule

A new calendar of baccalaureate exams will be applied in 2024, to better correspond to various deadlines such as Parcoursup.

“We can’t have tests so early in the year,” said Emmanuel Macron in August. Consequently, National Education is preparing to announce in a note the “adjustments” decided for the baccalaureate calendar, as BFMTV learned.

So no more tests taking place in March. The specialty tests, two majors chosen by the final year students, will indeed be postponed to the month of June, to better fit the calendar and the functioning of the school. Parcoursup. Thus, it is the averages of the continuous assessment which will be taken into account, and no longer the specialty notes. A return to the previous situation.

The calendar:

  • June 14: written French test
  • June 18: philosophy test
  • June 19, 20 and 21: specialty tests
  • June 24 to July 3: grand oral and oral French

The objective of this reform: to limit absenteeism in April and May among final year students. However, it is fair to assume that these same students will begin their revisions in June and will be less present, especially since they will have to prepare more tests.

The program will no longer be shortened

Furthermore, according to information collected by BFMTV, the programs will no longer be reduced, given the mechanical lengthening of the year. Downside: this new schedule, tightened at the end of the year, also risks putting pressure on philosophy and French teachers, mobilized both on copy corrections and the grand oral.

For the moment, it is assumed that second year students will no longer have lessons from the French baccalaureate, the rooms and teachers being mobilized for the tests. The ministry plans 2 weeks of internship in companies, but also in associations and public administrations so that this time is not wasted.

By Véronique Fèvre with Tom Kerkour

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