Here is the mobility plan to go to the future Louis-Nicollin stadium

Supporters, will you leave the car in the garage, to go and encourage the MHSC, at the new Louis Nicollin stadium ? At a time when the metropolis of Montpellier (Hérault) is promoting soft mobility, the ambition of the project leaders is that less than 35% of spectators go with individual cars to this new cauldron, which will come out of the ground at the end of the year 2025, in Pérols. This Tuesday, the club, the metropolis and the Tam unveiled the mobility scheme envisaged, in an attempt to meet this ambitious challenge.

And it is first of all on the tram that the project leaders rely on, to transport nearly 10,000 supporters. The stadium, which will have 24,000 seats, will have its own station, Ecopole. On the days when the MHSC plays, ten trains will be dedicated to transporting spectators. A specific tram line, which will not make any other stops, will also connect the Odysseum shopping center to the sports arena.

Buses from Sabines, Lorca and Place de France

Buses will also leave every five to ten minutes from Sabines, Garcia-Lorca and Place de France stations, with the aim of transporting a total of 3,500 people. As the future Louis-Nicollin stadium is on the route of the Réseau express Vélo from the city center of Montpellier, cyclists can also reach the site by bicycle, in 25 minutes. For them, 2,000 secure bicycle spaces will be available upon their arrival in Pérols.

But there will also be spaces for cars. On the stadium site, 1,500 are planned. On the days when the matches are the most attractive, it will also be possible to park in the car park of the Sud de France Arena and the Parc Expo, with 5,300 spaces, and reach the stadium on foot in 15 to 20 minutes, or by tram, via line 3.

“People, they will park wherever they want! »

But some residents fear that this is not enough, and that the surroundings are surrounded by anarchic parking lots on match days. “People, they will park wherever they want, as close as possible to the stadium, scolds a local resident. This is what we see everywhere. When you come from Mauguio, Lansargues, or Candillargues, the easiest way will be to park in the streets of Boirargues! “Many more people will come with their car,” laments another local resident, opposed to the project. Our village, Boirargues, is 700 meters from the stadium. Obviously, the first reflex of motorists will be to try to park there, even if they can’t! »

At the club, to try to avoid it being too much of a mess, we promise to put in place “incentive” measures for supporters. “When the person buys a ticket, or subscribes”, they will choose the means of transport they plan to get to the stadium, explains Jean-Pierre Massines, project manager at the MHSC. If it is with her car that she intends to go there, a “secure and free place” will be allocated to her.

And to encourage users to respect their initial choices, they will be rewarded with commercial gestures, “inside the stadium”. “We have to be persuasive,” notes Jean-Pierre Massines. “Whoever does not have a parking space, he must be discouraged from coming by car”, adds Yannick Jacob, the director of mobility in the metropolis. “Discussions” are also underway, with the municipalities that could be impacted, to “mobilize their municipal police to ensure that we try to limit these inconveniences, or even make them disappear”. A parking lot dedicated to carpooling will also be set up in the new stadium.

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