Here are the 5 fish that contain the most protein

Fish is an excellent source of protein. But some are better off than others. If you are looking to increase your intake, here are the species that contain more than 20 grams of protein per 100 grams.

The tuna

When you follow a high protein diet, yellowfin tuna is a very good ally. Rich in phosphorus and vitamin D, this oily fish contains an average of 30 grams of protein per 100 grams. In addition, it provides only 150 calories.

The fresh sardine

A 100 gram serving of fresh sardines contains nearly 25 grams of protein. This fish, which arrives on the stalls with the beautiful days, also has an interesting rate of iron (1.67 mg per 100 g) and helps to fight against anemia.


To gain muscle mass, also bet on mackerel. Rich in omega 3, this fish with a blue-green back contains nearly 24 grams of protein per 100 grams, or as much protein as in a serving of beef.

The salmon

Proteins, which contribute to the renewal of muscle tissue, nails, hair, or even the bone matrix, are very present in salmon. It provides about 21 grams of protein per 100 grams.


As for the whiting, fish with tender flesh that can be eaten fried and lemony, it provides an average of 20 grams of protein for a 100-gram portion. As a reminder, to know your protein needs, multiply your body weight by 1.5.

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