Herbert Grönemeyer: This book tells how the artist freed himself from grief

In “Zu Mensch”, Grönemeyer’s confidant Arezu Weitholz describes how the musician fought his way back to life after a stroke of fate – and finally released the greatest success of his career with “Mensch”.

But you mustn’t stop singing, his daughter Marie tells him. After the death of her mother, the eight-year-old wants some normality back. Life should be like it used to be, including that of her father, whom she only ever saw singing, whose songs almost everyone in Germany knows. But Herbert Grönemeyer, then 43 years old and suddenly a single father of two children, one of the biggest pop stars in the country, fell silent. For a year and a half he sat down at the piano again and again. But nothing works. And Herbert Grönemeyer asks himself: Is that the grief? Or has he lost the music?

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