Her mother is “raged” to find her

It’s been just a month since Lina, 15, disappeared late in the morning while she was walking to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, three kilometers from her home. Her mother, who had been discreet with the media recently, today wanted to testify to “her rage” and her “determination” to find her. Since September 23, in fact, despite intense searches, citizen searches, surveys of bodies of water, checks of cars and combing through a house, investigators do not seem to have any serious leads. Lina has since been the subject of an investigation for kidnapping and sequestration.

“Determination, anger and rage”

It was through a message sent to AFP through her lawyer Matthieu Airoldi that the mother expressed her feelings. A message in which she also wanted to thank “all the gendarmerie forces who have done considerable work since the beginning”. Another message for the two investigating judges in whom she wishes to show her confidence, to them “who are working tirelessly to find Lina as soon as possible”.

“My determination, anger, rage, push me to not give up and to fight even harder,” she assures. “All those around me as well as the population are unfailingly supportive, a strength in this terrible ordeal (…) Lina’s place is at home with her family and I will not let go until she is there,” adds Lina’s mother.

As a reminder, the Strasbourg public prosecutor’s office, where the case is being investigated, opened a judicial investigation “against X” at the beginning of October for “kidnapping and sequestration not followed by voluntary release for more than seven days”. The public prosecutor, Yolande Renzi, then said she expected “long-term” investigations, adding that no avenue was “discarded or favored”.

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