Her husband’s phone was off the night he disappeared, contrary to what he said

Did Cédric Jubillar voluntarily turn off his mobile phone the night of the disappearance of his wife, Delphine, on the night of September 15 to 16, 2020? And if so, is it in order not to be followed in his movements that night? So far, his statements during his hearings suggested that the plasterer had put him in airplane mode, between 10:08 p.m. and 3:53 a.m.

But an expertise carried out by the gendarmes, revealed by The Parisiantends to prove that the laptop would have been deactivated, “the absence of phone activity, confirmed by the study of the metadata of the file system, is not compatible with a phone positioned in airplane mode”, indicate in their conclusions the specialists, quoted by the daily.

What to throw again the confusion on the remarks of Cédric Jubillar and to reinforce the thesis of the accusation, that of the murder of the nurse by her husband between 11 p.m. and approximately 4 a.m., period during which he could have moved his body to hide it. In pre-trial detention for the murder of his wife since June 18, 2021, the Tarnais continues for his part to proclaim his innocence.

“He doesn’t objectively remember it”

Cédric Jubillar is supported by his three lawyers, for whom this new expertise proves nothing. “What has been established by the gendarmes is that the battery of his phone was malfunctioning, that the charge could go from 80% to 0%. Even if he was in airplane mode, it is not excluded that he cut himself ”, advances Emmanuelle Franck, one of his defenders.

For her, Cédric Jubillar did not lie. “Contrary to what may be said, he did not always say he was in airplane mode. On the telephone, he is not questioned either during the first or the second hearing. It was afterwards, by dint of asking him questions that he said he had to put it in airplane mode. It’s like the duvet, he didn’t remember, but when we questioned him he said he must have put it in the washing machine, but we know that’s not the case. . He does not objectively remember it, ”argues the lawyer.

But for the gendarmes, the airplane mode argument would be more than suspect because Cédric Jubillar would have activated it only on rare occasions during the past year, when he had an intensive use of the telephone, in particular for video games he was addicted to.

For the defence, the fact that the telephone was cut contradicts the track followed since the departure by the gendarmes, that of a man who would have gone mad shortly before 11 p.m., on discovering that his wife had just sent a message. to her lover and would then have killed her. “The phone is off at 10 p.m., so that would mean he planned to kill her. And if he’s that smart, he’d have left the phone on at home, he’d have the best alibi. What interest would he have had in taking it? “, gets angry Me Franck. She would prefer that the examining magistrates take an interest in other nocturnal disconnections, those of Delphine’s lover and his wife.

Thus following the line of defense of Cédric Jubillar, for whom from the beginning, the investigators focused on the husband, leaving aside other tracks. But for the prosecution, if there is no material evidence, there remains a body of evidence against him, and the context of the couple’s separation. As well as the statements of their son, Louis, who evokes an argument between his parents, or the multiple statements of the suspect before the disappearance of his wife, indicating to relatives that he wanted to kill his wife because she was annoying him. . So many points in the file which prompted the judges of the investigative chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal to confirm his continued detention four times.

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