Help with tinnitus: A pillow that is supposed to help you fall asleep – Fürstenfeldbruck

Millions of people in Germany suffer from tinnitus. The whistling is not only annoying during the day, but often also when falling asleep. A startup has now developed a special pillow that is supposed to help.


Ingrid Huigenell, Germering

Sherif Hariry, 26, has been hearing a ringing in his ears — a high-pitched whistling sound that gets louder when he’s stressed and doesn’t go away when he relaxes — for 14 years. The cause may be an accident in which Hariry fell headfirst over the handlebars of his bicycle when he was twelve. During the day, when other noises cover up the ringing in the ear, the Munich student can easily forget about the tinnitus. But at night, when he’s trying to fall asleep, the sound keeps him awake. A new type of pillow, which he helped develop, could help him. In May it will be sold for the first time in a small number to friends and family.

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